If you have information about Kristine Kupka and/or Darshanand Persaud AKA: Rudy Please Contact K.Kupka 172 Fifth Avenue, Box 230 Brooklyn, NY 11217 or call: Detective Delassandro: 718-834-4580 1-800 577-TIPS |
Kristine Kupka left her sister Kathy a phone message on the morning October 24, 1998. She stated that she was going out with the father of her unborn baby, Darshanand Persaud, also known as Rudy, to help him clean his new apartment and that she would call later. Kathy never heard from her 28 year old pregnant sister again. Kristine, a Baruch College student in New York City was 5 months pregnant and looking forward to a life as a single mother. Rudy was the baby's father. He had been Kristine's teacher at Baruch. When Kristine informed Rudy that she was pregnant, he told her that he was married. Tension rose between Kristine and Rudy over the pregnancy. He feared that it would ruin his life and his family would shun him. He pleaded with her to have an abortion. She feared him and told her roommate "If anything happens to me, Rudy did it." Kristine and Kathy Kupka in 1993 Kristine's story told in New York Magazine, Jan. 1999
The Kristine Kupka investigation is being carried out by Gil Alba. anyone who has suggestions, recommendations, advice, or wants to chat about Kristine's case should visit the message board at http://www.albainvestigations.com Gil Alba Investigation, experienced investigators specializing in difficult cases gilalba@msn.com Toll Free number for Gil Alba: 866 763-2522
Web Design Diane Greene Lent http://www.dianegreenelent.com
News: Missing Persons Day sponsored by The Center for Hope. April
6, 2002 at Noon at the New York State Legislative Office Building
(room 711A), Albany, New York.
Billboard launched on BQE near the Williamsburg Bridge